February 28, 2020 – National Tooth Fairy Day | National Chocolate Souffle Day

Transcript for February 28th

Welcome to February 28th, 2020 on the National Day Calendar.  Today we celebrate the mystical and magical and how to keep the forces of nature in our favor.  More after the break from our founder, Marlo Anderson.

It seems that fairies began assisting children with health education in the 1920s, and though no one is quite sure how this magical intervention came to be, the playwright Esther Watkins Arnold created quite a stir when she printed her playlet  “The Tooth Fairy.” New sightings of this phenomenon cropped up everywhere as tooth fairies appeared nightly to claim lost teeth, tucked under the pillows of sleeping children in exchange for money. Not until JK Rowling has the economy been so affected by the planting of the supernatural in the fertile minds of children. On National Tooth Fairy Day celebrate this mischief with a visit to the ATM in hopes of being in consort with the benign fairy folk.

And speaking of magically delicious, it’s worth risking offense to the guardians of teeth with a celebration of National Chocolate Souffle Day.  Souffle is a French word meaning to “puff or blow up” and when paired with the bewitching elixir of chocolate a true alchemical wonder is born. Don’t let the fancy word fool you, for if you are brave enough to conjure some egg whites, you are halfway there to creating this masterpiece in your own kitchen.  Few things are as delightful as celebrating National Chocolate Souffle Day with a warm from the oven creation. Just avoid loud noises which can cause them to fall and be sure to brush your teeth!

Learn more by following us at nationaldaycalendar.com or on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and thanks for joining us on our journey as we Celebrate Every Day!

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