Transcript for March 30th

Welcome to March 30th, 2020 on the National Day Calendar.  Today we celebrate the practical solutions for when life is “No Walk in the Park.”  Let’s join Anna Devere for more after the break.

Hard as we try, sometimes life can feel as if it’s getting away from us. A million emails to reply to. Dishes piling up in the sink. Overbooked meetings. Stop for a minute, take a deep breath, and re-evaluate what’s going on. Making to-do lists, clearing out your email inbox, and even organizing the piles of paper that have accumulated on your desk can help you feel as if you’re taking charge of your day. On National I’m In Control Day, you can stop sweating the small things and show the world just how confident and amazing you are.

And if nothing else helps, try the simple act of taking a walk.  Stress and anxiety will seem to magically disappear, but in fact getting your blood going releases endorphins especially when combined with a beautiful setting. And that’s why parks were invented in the first place—as a quiet oasis from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. On National Walk In The Park Day get outside and remember that while problems are inevitable, changing your outlook is easier than you think.

Learn more by following us at or on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and thanks for joining us on our journey as we Celebrate Every Day!

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